How to style Gold Lamps : A Comprehensive Guide

How to style Gold Lamps : A Comprehensive Guide

Design TipsGeoffrey Anglaret
Casting a golden glow in your space requires more than just a lamp. It's an art that demands attention to detail and balance. Discover the secrets of perfecting your gold lamp's placement, harmonizing with your room's color palette, experimenting with lampshades, embracing material diversity, thoughtful accessorizing, and more.
5 advices before buying cloud couch

5 Critical Considerations Before Buying a Cloud Couch

couchGeoffrey Anglaret
Understanding the technical aspects is key when choosing your cloud sofa. Frame durability, cushion comfort, and upholstery materials may not sound glamorous, but they are the unsung heroes that make your lounging experience exceptional. These critical considerations ensure your cloud sofa isn't just a piece of furniture; it's your sanctuary of comfort and style.

Tips for Creating a Chic Outdoor Living Area

Design TipsMyriam Touimer
 Virtually any outdoor area can be turned into an outside living spacethat reflects your personality and style, regardless of if you have a deck, p...